Please note before proceeding to FDA (Freelancer Digital Account) Journey.

  1. Eligibility Criteria: Freelancer engaged in provision of digital / online services including IT and IT related services, against which payments are received from outside Pakistan  
  2. Two account will be open concurrently Primary PKR with linked exporters’ special foreign currency (ESFCA) USD account for retaining amount in FCY of export proceeds.

Identity Verification

شناخت کی قسم
شناختی نمبر
شناخت کے اجراءکی تاریخ
ای میل
موبائل نیٹ ورک
موبائل نمبر
(Please enter your Cell Number in the following format: +923331234567)
( شناختی کارڈ ( اگلا حصہ
شناختی کارڈ ( پچھلا حصہ)
موبائل نمبر